Fashion + Beauty + Health Routines
In this post, I will be sharing with you my new, dreamy, innovative fashion printable called the: Mini Fashion Planner. This was created for trendsetters. This planner is for your daily routines and it also includes several, fashion prompts to help support your new wardrobe or your new fashion ideas. Oftentimes we don't think about writing things down. When we don't remember important fashion ideas, it can make things challenging. So, this planner is also able to make you feel productive and efficient.
The Mini Fashion Planner is for all of you fashion-obsessed trendsetters. This printable is definitely in vogue, and it is made to store all of your brilliant fashion thoughts and ideas. The printables I have created give you an idea of my personality, and how my soon-to-be-released fashion book is a part of this "fashion for the mind/body/spirit." My soon-to-be-released fashion book is related to the subjects of my fashion printables. However, the printables offer just one side of what healthy fashion is. A part of healthy fashion is fashion-journaling and philosophical fashion with fashion printables.
The printable support your wellbeing and it is a part of the wellness trend. The wellness trend is constantly growing. Fashion for human health is, too. Part of this is because we are choosing a more natural/urban balanced living and a more natural/urban balanced lifestyle. Fashion printables are really a part of the “fashion lifestyle.” This is for all of you who work in fashion or make fashion a serious hobby.
The Mini Fashion Planner video:
My chic Mini Fashion Planner is a 12-page PDF digital download. It is available for immediate download and available on my free resources page. It is always nice to take care of and learn more about ourselves. These fun fashion printables, actually help us to keep on track with our fashion, health, and beauty routines.
"My fashion printables are like fashion formulas-- each page supports the alchemy of fashion."
As part of the self-care series and the self-care and wellness trend that is happening here on planet Earth, I've decided to create this printable in order to support everyone's well-being. It is also definitely made for fashion philosophers and those who are interested in fashion psychology.
Some things the Mini Fashion Planner can do for you:
1. Build your fashion /beauty/wellness routine
2. Support your fashion expertise both personally + professionally
3. Start your new beauty routines with the routine checklist pages: the activities page is created to jot down your beauty tools, beauty techniques, for your spa/beauty routines.
3. Craft and curate your fashion routines/activities
4. Support your fashion influencer role and create fashion inspiration
I have an interest in printables, and a passion to design and create fashion printables. I have a large to-do list in a large long list of my to-do tasks, but they are all organized in a way that helps me, and these are made with a printable template. That was one thing that inspired me to start creating my own fashion printables.
About The Mini Fashion Planner
This in-vogue mini-fashion planner is your go-to fashion planner to plan your
fashion + beauty + wellness routines.
File type: PDF
12 pg digital download
Fashion to-do list page
My favorite fashion app + digital programs page
Favorite activities page
Fashion theme writing prompt pages
Fashion notes/checklist pages
When using the Mini Fashion Planner, you can jot down your important fashion notes and be able to organize them in a manner that helps you. This is the type of printable where you can save it, remake it, and reprint it. The printable can be printed multiple times and as many times as you like. It can also be used for a sketch project.
Fashion journaling your fashion project sketches/ideas with my fashion printable will be a good start for when you want to use your fashion ideas and your content and save them to use with other new planners and projects. There is a large trend for printables. If you go visit the online Etsy stores, you'll find there are thousands of different types of Etsy printables in every type of industry.
There's a reason why people like printables, and partly it is because it's a way to reflect on our thoughts and our minds that are always constantly moving. When we take the time to reflect using the printable, we take the time to be able to remember and utilize our ideas and thoughts for our important fashion projects and also use them as a journal.
There are five parts to the 12 pg Mini Fashion Planner
Fashion project to-do-list
My favorite fashion apps + digital programs: to track my daily fashion news resources
My favorite fashion activities page
Writing fashion prompts for me
Fashion notes/checklist pages
Part 1 -- fashion project to-do-list

In the first part/section of the Mini Fashion Planner, you'll be able to get done your to-do list and jot down things like fashion news that you found. The note and checklists will enable you to get your project finished and your new routines completed.
Part 2 -- my favorite fashion apps + digital programs: to track my daily fashion news resources

The next part of the printable is the fashion app and digital program section. I like to jot these down because even when I add and save them to files on my computer, it is always nice to write them down on paper. You can always refer back to the printable because it cannot get deleted. Everyone has lots of documents that are being stored, and they are storing a lot of the different fashion program resources for curating their fashion network.
So in this way, this printable is a way to gather and store your new fashion programs and digital fashion apps that you want to remember to use. Things like fashion news sites, fashion chrome extensions, fashion trends reports, etc.
Part 3 -- My favorite fashion activities page
The next part of the printable is the activities page, which is the sheet on the right from the image shown above. The activity topics are broken into four sections. The activities page is a method for you to jot down your fashion routines and activities that you like. This is the section where you can jot down fashion activities that you do now or that you would like to practice in the future. Additionally, you can write down the activities and routines that you did in the past that you no longer do, but you would like to pick them back up and practice now or in the future.
Printables and planners allow us to create
Exclusive fashion ideas
Fashion goals
Positive rituals
Journal + express our fashion
Strengthens fashion intuition
Part 4 -- Writing fashion prompts for me

The next section of the Mini Fashion Planner is the fashion-themed writing prompt pages. I included questions/prompts. The fashion prompt questions-- these are all fashion questions for you to reflect on your own fashion beliefs and fashion ideas with fashion and lifestyle in general, I've developed these questions in order to help you learn about yourself and your fashion Journey.
I've incorporated all of these topics because they all are a part of one another. The writing prompts combine health, fashion, and beauty. However, each topic is separated into the beauty section, the fashion section, and the wellness section.
Part 5 -- Fashion notes/checklist pages

The last part is the fashion notes/checklist pages. This is probably the best part because if you have an idea that pops up in your head you can quickly jot it down to the notes section. You don't need to organize it, it just needs to be there so you can remember it.
The checklist can be your template to gather your fashion ideas, or fashion industry news. You can refer back to them when you put them in your other fashion archives-- a larger printable or file.
The 12-sheet Mini Fashion Planner is practically designed in a clean, simple, minimal format. These printable sheet designs are modern and sleek. The printable is specially personalized for all fashion professionals, and for all fashion consumers. They are for everyone who enjoys fashion or who works in the field of fashion.
I believe the best way to get more fashion ideas and fashion inspiration is through our own transformative thinking and our own inspirations that we've seen from the outside. Fashion prompts are supportive. They can be a way to help anyone elevate their wardrobe and elevate their company. These principles are specially designed to help your lifestyle and inspire your work and life.
I have not created a printable with a rigorous schedule or a planner with a lot of restrictions. I believe the list format allows people to create their own routines on their own time in a flexible way. The fashion printable gives people another way to express themselves. They are designed to make you think and prompt you to immediately come up with your new fashion ideas.
The Mini Fashion Planner is for you if:
You need a printable that can help you organize your fashion routines, whether you are a fashion consumer and/or fashion business professional.
You need a template to support your creative ideas by journaling
You have a fashion profession and you really need to jot down these fashion strategies
You want to document your fashion history-- your fashion/style that plays a role in the collective history of fashion
Check out the video: How To Use The Fashion Planner
Final Thoughts
The mini fashion planner was made for you-- creative fashion pioneers. Whether you are a fashion professional or you have a fashion wardrobe we are all a part of the fashion industry and we can all use these printables in our own individual way. They help us to write down our own fashion tips or tips from others, and as it is a journey, they help us along the way.
I created the Fashion Journal Tracker, and my recent Mini Fashion Planner because I believe printables are a great way to support and promote our fashion/health. The printables are designed to promote healthy-- healthy fashion, and wellness fashion.
I will be creating more fashion printables in the future so stay tuned. If you would like to download the Mini Fashion Planner, then visit my free resources page.
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