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Light Charge your Healing Jewelry and Charms

Writer: Alyssa CoutureAlyssa Couture

Healing Charms

In this post, I will talk about the history of healing jewelry, charms, and symbols. This post is for guys too, even though I featured photos of women’s jewelry. Read this post if you want to learn some history about healing jewelry and how to "light charge" your jewelry.

I wear very little jewelry, but I do wear one specific necklace right now. It is the Cross of Christ from Hanna’s Herb Shop. They state it repels negative energy and attracts angelic divine energies. It does! It works.

My minimalist wardrobe

I would like to wear more jewelry, but I am very picky about jewelry. I remember wearing my great-grandmother’s amethyst ring (lost, unfortunately). I loved wearing it, it was so feminine-looking.

I remember wearing healing copper bracelets and crystal jewelry. I would like to wear copper bracelets again sometime, they are good for people that tend to be empaths and absorb the energy around them.

In regards to wearing jewelry, I am very minimal and I always have been. I have had phases though where I would hoard lots of clothes. I am a little eccentric with my wardrobe.

Currently, I wear the same pair of shoes every day and I have done this almost my whole life. I have never had more than a handful of pairs of shoes that I wear. It is really grounding for me to wear the same shoes.

I wear the same necklace (I don’t wear my necklace every day though). I wear the same style of black leggings (I have over 20 pairs (but right now I am wearing black shorts in this San Diego, California heat)). I do wear different shirts and tops.

I wear minimalist fashion. Minimalism is not just my style, it is my lifestyle too. But, you can have dozens of pieces of jewelry or a few pieces. I may have dozens of pieces of jewelry someday, but not right now.

I want to let you know that when I talk about light-charging jewelry I am not promoting “light spell” jewelry as a form of Satanism. What I am promoting is the exact opposite. This post has nothing to do with jewelry in relation to curses, it is the exact opposite. It is about wearing jewelry for protection. Jewelry to ward off evil and to ward off curses.

Photo credit: Muhammed Zeki Aygur/Pexels

Therapeutic, healing Jewelry

Support your body and mind with therapeutic, healing, healthy jewelry. Jewelry can be used as medicine. We can “charge” our jewelry. You don’t have to wear all real jewelry for it to be healing.

A jewelry charm wards off evil and gives good luck. I call jewelry "charms," but I will also talk specifically about charms that are also called amulets or talismans. A "charm" is a small ornament.

History of healing jewelry

In ancient history, charms were worn to ward off evil spirits and to protect against danger and disasters. In some dimensions or other places in the universe, danger does not happen. A lot of the time, danger happens through evil. This planet is called a darkened star because there is evil happening here. There are light star planets in the universe with no evil.

Healing jewelry in 200-600 A.D. Byzantine

A gold amulet was discovered in medieval Byzantium. They wore it for status but also for protection from evil. They use rituals in their dress for spiritual help.

One of the amulets they discovered had a secret prayer in it. They wore the amulet around their neck and just above their heart. The Byzantines would wear prayers within the amulets for protection.

These jewelry pieces are not evil or satanic. The Church would have considered this "magic," but we must remember that during this time period and currently, many magical things in life were stolen, taken, used, and manipulated by satanic people, and made magic unacceptable. Just because something is labeled "magic," it does not imply that it is bad.

Protective jewelry

Protective jewelry will ward off negative energy and low vibrations. Additionally, it is the frequency of the materials that can help protect the wearer.

Charms and symbols

The evil eye

A person who wears an evil eye will help protect them against bad things, bad karma, and any malevolent glares.

The eye of Horus

It protects people and it is a symbol of health.

Lucky charm symbols:

  • Elephants

  • Horseshoes

  • Four-leaf clovers

  • Keys

  • Shooting stars

  • Hearts

  • Flowers

  • Dice

  • Moon

  • Zodiac symbol

Photo credit: Frazil Nasirli/Pexels

Healing Jewelry

Crystals and gemstones heal the body and mind

Crystal healing began in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. Pliny the Elder, a Roman author, and Galen, a Greek physician, previously stated specific crystals had medicinal properties.

Different civilizations would inscribe designs that had specific meanings and magical powers in the jewelry.

Many people say crystals are paganism or witchcraft. Crystals were used previously on this planet and in this universe, and in civilizations that go beyond what we know. For example, the ancient Lemurians, an evolved civilization from the past used crystals for healing. They connected crystals with the light, the divine, and the godhead.

Crystals and gemstones

The most popular and most powerful healing gemstones to wear and a few of my favorite crystals:

  • Clear Quartz

  • Aquamarine

  • Rose Quartz

  • Jade

  • Emerald

  • Opal

  • Pearl

  • Turquoise

  • Ruby

  • Amethyst

  • Diamond

Healing with precious metals

Different precious metals release different healing energies and have their own energy fields.

Metals with spiritual and healing properties for body jewelry:

  • Gold- anti-aging properties and memory function

  • Silver- balance and protection

  • Platinum- reduces inflammation and antioxidant activity

  • Titanium- help the body’s energy flow

  • Copper- shields off negative energy, helps with inflammation and pain

  • Surgical stainless steel- protects you from negativity

Types of charms:

  • Lockets

When Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, died, she wore charm lockets of his hair and mini portraits of him.

  • In the 1950s and 1960s, American teenagers wore charm bracelets to record the events in their lives.

  • Bracelets filled with tiny treasures

  • Hecate pendant

  • Holy Cross

Photo credit: Jess Baile/Pexels

Light Charge your jewelry

Put a light spell on your jewelry:

Protect yourself from negative energy by putting a "light" spell on your jewelry.

Many people think that jewelry can have spells on it, but in this post, I am not talking about evil spells. There is such a thing as a “light” spell, which is divine and spiritual.

One way to charge your jewelry is using the earth’s element fire. I just lit a tea light on my desk and hung my necklace on the vase of my fake flower pot that I have on my desk. So, the necklace was close to the flame. I took it off after 30 minutes, and I notice it felt different when I put it on. I am not talking about that it was a little warm from the flame, it's cool now. It feels energetically charged by the flame.

It is a positive ritual to light charge your jewelry.

Ways to light charge your jewelry:

  • The energy of the moon

  • Incense

  • Aromatherapy diffuser

  • Sound

  • Light a candle and place it near the flame

  • You can make a ritual or ceremony, as the jewelry is a symbol to help you.

  • Place your jewelry on the earth, on a rock, tree, etc.

  • Charge it with Reiki energy (you place your hands over the jewelry).

  • Charge it with the violet flame energy (place your palms together and visualize your jewelry covered in the violet flame).

  • Sea salt (put jewelry in a plastic bag and then put it in a bowl of sea salt, or directly in a container of sea salt).

Final Note

Jewelry helps your energy flow within your body. Rings, for example, press on your acupressure points, and when acupressure points are pressed, the energy flows through the body. Jewelry is made from elements of nature, so when we wear nature we are creating the earth’s elements/nature/human connection.

Jewelry helps the energy body and energetic body. They are energy healing and energy clearing. You don’t always have to clear your jewelry; it will naturally clear, but you should clear and charge your jewelry when you remember.

Jewelry can be used as a guide and a compass. Jewelry is a beauty tool. It enhances our appearance and makes us glow. Wear pieces of jewelry that express your inner self and your creativity. It is a positive ritual to put on jewelry, and it can be one piece or many pieces.

Healing jewelry is mystical, enchanting, supernatural jewelry. Healing jewelry is a part of the healing arts. Crystals and stones are healing to wear, as well as precious metals. They are cleansing to wear. They support your emotions and mental awareness. Wearing jewelry is beauty care. It makes you feel beautiful.



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San Diego, CA

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