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About Healthy Fashion

HEALTHY FASHION CAMPAIGN is a fashion business on fashion for human health. Alyssa, f/o, broadcasts enlightening content on fashion deemed medicinal. 

HEALTHY FASHION is a fashion business dedicated to the field of fashion for health, broadcasting ways to improve and revamp the current state of fashion.

Fashion for Health Concept

•Clothing used as an integrative tool and alternative medicine for mind/body/spirit

•A fresh, new approach to fashion: Fashion to awaken the soul/spirit


Fashion Campaign 

Fashion as modern medicine and as a health practice.


We are at the time of a spiritual awakening. The fashion industry is in a bit of transition right now. We are slowly catching on to producing and promoting fashion in pursuit of mind- body- spirit.



The capabilities of 100% plant-based are addressed. Comparing plant fibers vs. the cons of animal and synthetic fibers and the scientific proof of fashion to physically support the body.



Social dynamics. Archetype vs. stereotypes. Creating more Union across the world through fashion. Dismantling fashion hierarchies. 



Bringing the divine into the picture of fashion as a part of the spiritual awakening. Choosing materials and fashions that celebrate the soul vs. ego. Spiritual fashion is a part of the awakening as we can use fashion as a channel and portal to higher realms and states of existence.

Fashion as an alternative health remedy

I offer methods and ways fashion can be used as an alternative health remedy + as a long-term modern wellness trend. Fashion is to be used to support the mind, body, and spirit.  

Healthy Fashion, The Deeper Truths offer new and advanced methods for human health. Fashion for health provides medically + therapeutically for a modern lifestyle. Fashion as a health practice naturally moves beyond sustainable fashion creating a new kind of fashion: Fashion to activate consciousness. 

Image by Mukuko Studio

A digital business based in Southern California

WHAT: HFC is a campaign that broadcasts enlightening content about fashion for health


WHO: Healthy fashion is for fashion professionals + fashion consumers


WHY: For a healthy wardrobe + healthy fashion industry


WHERE: HFC is a digital platform based in San Diego

WHEN: HFC launched in 2020: in a period of fashion in flux

Available products + services


HEALTHY FASHION  enlightening content on fashion for the mind/body/spirit

San Diego, CA

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